Principal For The Day!

I would love to principal for the day, and here are five reasons why. 1. First, one rule i would change is the phone rule about having your phone in your back at all time. The only reason i would change is what in case the school is in danger and we can’t have our phone out to call police or parent so that’s why i would change that rule. 2. Secondly, i would change the girls dress code and the reason for that is because girls should not have to worry about getting dress code for their bra strap because their is nothing that we can do about and we don’t want to be hot wearing a long sleeve nor should we have to worry about shorts and how short they are because some girl are a bit taller than average heights girls so it may look really short when its not. 3. Another rule i would change is the gum rule i think that they should give the gum privilege to people that deserve it and that they can also trust not to put it on the floor or under tables. 4. Longer break time so that when we get in class we are not to chatty with friends after a short break. 5. Lastly, late start schedule to make it a early out schedule because it’s makes more sense instead of starting late and getting out at the same time. In conclusion , these are my five things i would change if i was the principal for the day.

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